June 16, 2023

Master the Art of Typing with Typewiz: Unlock Your Productivity Potential

Master the Art of Typing with Typewiz: Unlock Your Productivity Potential

Learn how to type faster and correctly online






Are you tired of struggling with slow typing speeds, constant errors, and wasted time? Typewiz is here to revolutionize your typing experience and unleash your productivity potential. Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply someone looking to improve your typing skills, Typewiz offers a comprehensive suite of tools, resources, and features to help you become a typing wizard. Get ready to transform your typing journey and take your skills to new heights!

  1. Boost Your Typing Speed:  From proper finger placement and posture to exercises that improve muscle memory, we provide actionable tips to help you type faster and with greater accuracy. Discover how Typewiz can assist you in mastering typing speed and make tedious typing tasks a breeze.
  2. Enhance Your Accuracy with Typewiz: Typing errors can be frustrating and time-consuming to correct. Our article delves into the importance of accuracy and shares effective methods to improve it. Discover Typewiz’s advanced autocorrect feature, customized shortcuts, and real-time feedback system that help you eliminate errors and maintain a high level of accuracy. Say goodbye to embarrassing typos and achieve error-free typing proficiency.
  3. Unleash Your Productivity with Typewiz Home Package: Discover the power of Typewiz’s Home Package, designed to supercharge your typing efficiency.  Specific typing aids, intelligent text prediction, and time-saving shortcuts. Learn how Typewiz’s comprehensive package can transform your typing experience and significantly boost your productivity across various tasks.
  4. Learn Typing the Fun Way: Typewiz believes that learning to type should be engaging and enjoyable. This article highlights Typewiz’s interactive tutorials, gamified exercises, and adaptive learning system that make the typing journey exciting. Discover how Typewiz’s learning resources cater to learners of all levels, keeping you motivated and helping you progress steadily towards becoming a proficient typist.
  5. Typewiz: The Perfect Companion for Writers: Calling all writers!  Explore features like distraction-free writing mode, word count tracking, and seamless integration with popular writing applications. Discover how Typewiz enhances your creative process, eliminates distractions, and lets you focus on bringing your ideas to life with unparalleled ease.
  6. Typewiz Across Devices: Typing Anywhere, Anytime:  Whether you prefer typing on your laptop, desktop, or tablet, Typewiz ensures a consistent and seamless typing experience across platforms. Learn how to sync your progress, settings, and preferences effortlessly, allowing you to type efficiently, regardless of your device.

Typewiz is more than just a typing platform; it’s a comprehensive solution to elevate your typing skills and productivity. From boosting your speed and accuracy to providing tailored learning resources and multi-device compatibility, Typewiz empowers you to become a typing wizard. Embrace the future of typing with Typewiz and unlock your full potential. Visit Typewiz.com today and embark on your journey toward mastery.

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January 8, 2023

Typing is an essential skill in today’s digital world

Typing is an essential skill in today’s digital world

World typing day
World typing day



Today is world typing day 8th of January.  What better day to let you know what we think typing is an essential skill in today’s digital world.

With the proliferation of computers and the internet, being able to type quickly and accurately is more important than ever.


First and foremost, typing allows us to communicate more efficiently. Whether we are sending an email, chatting with a friend, or typing up a document, being able to type quickly allows us to get our thoughts down on the screen faster and more accurately. This is especially important in a professional setting, where being able to type quickly and efficiently can give us a significant advantage over our slower-typing colleagues.


Furthermore, typing also improves our cognitive abilities. As we type, we are constantly making decisions about which keys to press and how to form words and sentences. This constant decision-making helps to improve our mental dexterity and can even improve our problem-solving skills.


In addition to improving our communication and cognitive abilities, typing is also beneficial for our physical health. When we type, we are using a wide range of muscles in our hands, wrists, and forearms. This regular exercise can help to prevent conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive strain injuries.


The benefits of learning how to type is as follows:


Improved speed and efficiency: Touch typing allows you to type faster and more accurately, increasing your overall productivity.


Enhanced focus and concentration: By not having to look at the keyboard, you can keep your eyes on the screen, allowing you to concentrate on the task at hand.


Reduced risk of injury: Touch typing reduces the strain on your hands and wrists, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries.


Increased professionalism: Touch typing is a valuable skill that is highly sought after in many professional fields, such as writing, customer service, and data entry.


Improved memory and cognitive skills: Regular practice of touch typing helps improve your memory and cognitive skills, such as pattern recognition and spatial awareness.


Enhanced communication skills: By typing faster and more accurately, you can communicate more effectively, reducing misunderstandings and improving collaboration.


There are several reasons why learning how to type is important:


Improved efficiency and productivity: Being able to type quickly and accurately allows you to complete tasks faster and more efficiently. This can help you save time and increase your productivity in both personal and professional settings.


Enhanced communication skills: Typing allows you to quickly and easily communicate through email, messaging, and other online platforms. This can improve your communication skills and help you build professional relationships.


Better job prospects: Many job listings now require basic typing skills, so learning how to type can improve your chances of finding a job.


Improved cognitive abilities: Typing requires cognitive skills such as concentration, coordination, and memory. Regular typing practice can help improve these skills and potentially even prevent cognitive decline in older age.


Enhanced creativity: Typing quickly and accurately allows you to focus on the content of your writing rather than the physical act of writing itself. This can help you express your ideas and thoughts more freely, leading to enhanced creativity.


The efficiency gain from learning how to type can be significant. Proper typing techniques can help increase typing speed and accuracy, allowing for faster and more efficient communication and data entry. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency in tasks such as writing emails, reports, and other documents, as well as completing online forms and entering data into databases.


Overall, learning to type is an essential skill in today’s digital world. It allows us to communicate more efficiently, improves our cognitive abilities, and can even benefit our physical health. Whether we are students, professionals, or simply looking to improve our overall well-being, investing time in learning to type is a worthwhile endeavor.


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December 9, 2022

Twenty tips to improve your typing speed and accuracy

20 tips to improve your typing speed and accuracy
Twenty tips to improve your typing speed and accuracy








Twenty tips to improve your typing speed and accuracy


Improving your typing speed and accuracy can greatly benefit your work and personal life. With faster and more accurate typing, you can increase your productivity and reduce the chances of making errors. Here are twenty  tips to help you improve your typing skills:


  1. Start with the basics. Before you can improve your typing speed and accuracy, you need to make sure you have a solid foundation. Start by familiarising yourself with the keyboard layout and the home row keys.
  2. Keep your wrists and hands relaxed and avoid straining them while typing.
  3. Use a comfortable, ergonomic keyboard and adjust your chair and desk to a comfortable height to avoid discomfort and injury.
  4. Focus on accuracy over speed. While it’s important to be able to type quickly, accuracy is even more important. If you make a lot of mistakes, you’ll end up having to go back and correct them, which can slow you down even more. So, focus on accuracy first, and the speed will come naturally.
  5. Use the correct fingers. One of the biggest mistakes people make when typing is using the wrong fingers to hit the keys. To type quickly and accurately, you need to use the correct fingers for each key. For example, the index fingers should be used for the F and J keys, the middle fingers for the D and K keys, and the ring fingers for the S and L keys.
  6. Practice regularly. The more you practice, the better you will become. Set aside sometime each day to focus on improving your typing speed and accuracy. Practice touch typing regularly, for at least 15-20 minutes a day.
  7. Don’t get discouraged. Improving your typing speed and accuracy takes time and practice. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Keep practicing and you will improve.
  8. Use a comfortable keyboard and chair. If your keyboard or chair is uncomfortable, it can slow you down and lead to errors. Make sure your keyboard and chair are ergonomically designed and adjusted to fit your body.
  9. Position your hands correctly. Proper hand positioning is essential for typing quickly and accurately. Place your fingers on the home row keys and use the correct finger to press each key.
  10. Stay motivated by setting goals and tracking your progress, and celebrate your successes along the way.
  11. Use the right typing technique. There are several typing techniques, such as touch typing and hunt and peck, but touch typing is generally considered the most efficient and accurate method. With touch typing, you use all of your fingers to type, rather than just a few, and you don’t need to look at the keyboard.
  12. Type as fast as you can accurately. Don’t try to type faster than you are able to accurately. This will only lead to errors and slow you down. Instead, focus on typing as quickly and accurately as you can.
  13. Use all of your fingers. Using all of your fingers to type, rather than just a few, can help you type faster and more accurately. It may take some practice to get used to using all of your fingers, but it will be worth it in the end.
  14. Keep your eyes on the screen. Don’t look at the keyboard while you are typing. This can slow you down and lead to errors. Instead, keep your eyes on the screen and use the correct finger placement to type quickly and accurately.
  15. Use a timer to track your progress. Set a timer to see how long it takes you to type a passage or document. Then, try to beat your time each time you practice. This can help you track your progress and motivate you to keep improving.
  16. Use typing games and exercises. There are many online typing games and exercises that can help you improve your speed and accuracy. These games and exercises are fun and engaging, and they can help you learn the correct typing technique and positioning.
  17. Use keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time and frustration. For example, instead of using your mouse to click on the File menu, you can simply press the Alt + F keys on your keyboard to open the File menu. There are many other keyboard shortcuts you can use, so take the time to learn them and start using them in your daily work.
  18. Take breaks. Typing for long periods of time can be tiring and stressful, and it can also lead to mistakes. To avoid this, take regular breaks to give your fingers and mind a rest. This will help you stay focused and avoid making mistakes.
  19. Use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse. An ergonomic keyboard and mouse can help reduce the strain on your wrists and fingers, which can help you type more quickly and accurately. Look for a keyboard and mouse that are designed to be comfortable and easy to use.
  20. Consider taking a touch typing course or using typing tutor software to guide you through the learning process and track your progress. At Searsol we offer both, we have a touch typing course for children where you can book a free trial assessment at searsol.com. Or if you were looking for a typing program for online access, we offer a 7-day free trial Typewiz available at typewiz.com

By following these tips, you can improve your typing speed and accuracy and become more efficient and productive in your work or studies. Remember to practice regularly, focus on accuracy, and use keyboard shortcuts and ergonomic equipment to make your typing experience more comfortable and efficient.

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December 8, 2022

The importance of typing for children in today’s modern world

The importance of typing for children in today’s modern world

Typing is an important skill for children to learn in today’s modern world. With the increasing use of computers and other technology in daily life, the ability to type quickly and accurately has become a necessary part of many jobs and activities. In addition to the practical benefits of typing, learning to type can also have positive effects on a child’s cognitive development and overall academic success.


One of the most obvious reasons why typing is important for children is the fact that it is a necessary skill for many jobs. In today’s job market, most positions require at least some level of computer proficiency, and the ability to type quickly and accurately can be a valuable asset. This is particularly true in fields such as administration, customer service, and data entry, where workers are often required to type large amounts of information on a regular basis.


In addition to the practical benefits of typing for future careers, learning to type can also have positive effects on a child’s cognitive development. Typing requires the use of fine motor skills and coordination, which can help improve a child’s hand-eye coordination and overall motor skills. This can be particularly beneficial for children who struggle with these skills, as it can help them develop the coordination and control needed for writing and other fine motor tasks.


Learning to type can also have positive effects on a child’s cognitive development in other ways. For example, typing requires the use of both hands, which can help improve a child’s ability to multitask. This can be particularly useful in the classroom, where children are often required to take notes, complete assignments, and participate in discussions all at the same time. By learning to type, children can develop the ability to efficiently complete multiple tasks at once, which can improve their overall productivity and academic success.


Another benefit of learning to type is that it can help improve a child’s reading and writing skills. Many children struggle with spelling and grammar, particularly when it comes to writing long passages by hand. By learning to type, children can develop a more natural writing style and can quickly and easily make corrections to their work. This can help improve their writing skills and overall academic performance.

In addition to the practical and cognitive benefits of learning to type, there are also social benefits to consider. In today’s world, much of our communication takes place online, whether through email, social media, or instant messaging. Being able to type quickly and accurately can make it easier for children to participate in these forms of communication, which can help them stay connected with friends and family and keep up with the latest trends and events.


Overall, the importance of typing for children in today’s modern world cannot be understated. From the practical benefits of improved job prospects to the cognitive and social advantages of being able to type quickly and accurately, learning to type is a valuable skill that can have a positive impact on a child’s development and future success.


One of the most important reasons for children to learn to type is that it can greatly improve their overall productivity. When typing, children can communicate their thoughts and ideas more quickly and easily than if they were writing by hand. This can lead to more efficient note-taking in class, faster and more accurate completion of assignments, and ultimately higher grades.


In addition to increasing productivity, typing can also improve children’s cognitive skills. By learning to type, children develop their fine motor skills, which can help them with other activities such as handwriting and playing musical instruments. Furthermore, the repetitive nature of typing can help improve a child’s concentration and focus, leading to better overall learning outcomes.


Another key benefit of typing for children is that it can help to enhance their communication skills. With the rise of social media and instant messaging, being able to type quickly and accurately can enable children to communicate effectively with their peers and adults. This can be especially important in today’s digital world, where the ability to communicate effectively through technology is increasingly becoming a valuable asset.


In addition to the benefits for children, being able to type efficiently can also provide parents with some much-needed relief. With the increasing use of technology in schools, many parents find themselves struggling to keep up with their children’s homework assignments and online learning. By teaching their children to type, parents can help to alleviate some of this stress and provide their children with valuable skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.


But while the benefits of typing for children are clear, many parents may be unsure of where to start when it comes to teaching their children this important skill. Fortunately, there are a number of resources available that can help parents and children learn to type effectively.


One of the most popular and effective ways to teach children to type is through the use of typing games and typing tutors. These programs provide a fun and engaging way for children to learn the basics of typing, including the proper placement of their fingers on the keyboard and how to type accurately and quickly. Many of these programs also include fun typing games and challenges that can help to keep children motivated and engaged as they learn.

In addition to typing games and tutors, parents can also find a wealth of resources online that can help their children learn to type. Typewiz.com provide a range of typing lessons and exercises that are tailored to different age groups and skill levels.








Another option for parents who want to help their children learn to type is to enroll them in a typing course. Searsol offers typing classes for children, providing them with structured lessons and guidance from experienced instructors. These classes can be a great way for children to learn to type quickly and accurately and can also provide them with an opportunity to meet and interact with other children who are learning to type. A free trial assessment can be booked online at here


Ultimately, the importance of typing for children in today’s modern world cannot be overstated. By teaching their children to type, parents can provide them with valuable skills that will benefit them in both their academic and professional lives. With the wealth of resources available, it has never been easier for parents to help their children learn to type effectively and efficiently.


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July 25, 2022

What makes a successful typist?

What makes a successful typist?


Touch typing is a technique that creates a structure where you have to place different fingers on specific areas on your keyboard. You are using all your 10 fingers, and each one is in charge of a section or a column on the keyboard and it all starts with the home row.








Typing is something that is becoming more and more prominent nowadays and remains a foundational life skill so getting your child to learn this skill properly is extremely necessary and will be of benefit to them for the entirety of their life. It can not only help them with their school work but can also set them up with an advantage in later life when it comes to exploring job opportunities. Many jobs in the modern world of work now require quick typing skills, but with advances in technology that’s set to become even more important.


The things which make a successful typist are:


Repetition and routine, posture, home keys, covering keyboard with skin


The first key to learning to type is learning the correct hand position. Starting with your pinky on the A key, your left-hand fingers rest on the A, S, D, and F keys. The right-hand pinky goes on the ; key, and fingers rest on the J, K, L, and; keys. These keys are the home row keys. Your thumbs should either be in the air or lightly touch the spacebar key. Once you have the hand positions down, you can practice touch typing – typing without looking at the keyboard. By doing so, your muscles will memorise the movements and even key patterns. 


For example, when you type frequently used combinations such as “the”, your motor system will pick up on this. With muscle memory, you can type at a much faster speed. In addition, when you type looking at the screen, you are able to catch errors faster. This frees up cognitive attention and processing power for the content of the task, so writers can focus on the work they are producing vs. the mechanics of recording it in electronic format.


You probably know roughly where the keys are located on the keyboard, but the goal of improving your typing skills is to do it without looking at the keys. Set yourself up for success by putting your body in the proper position for comfort and avoiding injury.


 Follow these seven steps to improve your typing posture and positioning:

  1. Sit up straight in a chair with the keyboard or laptop at a comfortable height on the table or desk.
  2. Put your feet flat on the floor.
  3. Place the screen so it’s 15 to 25 inches from your eyes, and in a position where you are looking down slightly.
  4. Keep your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle and try to expose your shoulders, arms, wrists, and elbows to as little strain as possible. You want to avoid developing any habits that would cause repetitive stress injury long-term.
  5. Place your left and right pointer fingers on the F and the J keys. Many keyboards have a little raised tab on those letters so you can orient your fingers without looking. Let the rest of your fingers on each hand fall on the remaining keys in the home row (D, S, and A for the left hand; K, L, and the “;” symbol for the right hand). Both thumbs rest on the space bar.
  6. With your fingers positioned on the home row, you’ll train your hands to reach all the other keys without having to look. This is called “touch typing.” Essentially, each finger is responsible for the keys just above and below the home row key it sits on. Try to imagine vertical dividers around each finger. The right pinky is responsible for the return, shift, and delete keys, and the left pinky is for the shift, caps lock, and tab keys. It may feel awkward at first since our pinky fingers aren’t always strong, but with practice, it will feel more natural.


It is recommended to use a cover to cover the keys to build up a repetitive routine and to boost your confidence when touch typing






Key ingredients need to be a successful touch typist – Motivation and concentration


People often quote Malcolm Gladwell’s ideas on how to make something a habit. In his book ‘Outliers’, he says “It takes 10,000 hours to master anything.” 10,000 hours translates into 416 days, or over a year of your life—if you practice 24 hours a day!

While that amount of time applied to typing practice might seem much too daunting, neuroscience research suggests that our brains don’t develop based on an inherent set of preprogrammed patterns. In other words, our brains are always ready for new skills. Practice leads to learning in the developing and the mature brain, and the resulting structural changes to the brain encode that learning. Once you learn the basics of finger placement and where they move on the keyboard, practicing with intention gives you lifetime mastery that will make every instance of typing easier.


The Typewiz bot helps your child to remain engaged by providing help and tips to learn how to touch type. Our bot analyses your child’s performance and encourages them to type better.


Typewiz offers a report showing how your child is progressing on the course. The report shows the following information:

  • Exercises Completed
  • Highest Score
  • 100% Scores
  • Excellent Scores
  • Average Accuracy
  • Coins Earned
  • Average WPM
  • Top WPM

Information can be shown weekly, last six months, last year, or all time. Our report both accuracy and wpm graphs. So it can easily be viewed. Reports can be printed off. Course certificates are available to print as well. These reports often motivate children as they want to beat their wpm or exercises completed from the previous day.


Touch typing program – need to be fun and gamified like Typewiz!

Typewiz – learn how to type online
Fun typing games are available on online typing games arcade
Typing games for kids.








It is vital when learning how to touch type it is an engaging and interactive experience. Typewiz allows children to earn an avatar as they complete each lesson in Typewiz. Thus motivating your child to learn how to touch type. Typewiz has fun and interactive typing games for your child to enjoy. Your child can compete with other children and see who is top of the leaderboard. A virtual coin is used for each game. This is earned by your child’s performance on the Typewiz course which prompts them to achieve high scores or improve their wpm. Thus motivating them to complete exercises fast and accurately. These incentives stimulate children to complete more exercises and improve their wpm which improves their accuracy.

To access a seven-day free trial click on the following link


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March 26, 2021

Touch typing a skill worth investing in for your child

Touch typing a skill worth investing in for your child.




Touch Typing
Touch Typing








At Typewiz we understand the importance of having your child able to know how to touch-type properly. We acknowledge the benefits and how to touch typing will stand to these children as they grow older and how it may be of vital use to them whether they are in a job that requires one to type or even just in their everyday life using their computer from home.



The short answer to whether touch typing is a skill worth investing in is YES! Touch-typing is something which is of benefit to everyone, not only people who may struggle to write properly. When being able to touch type not only will you be able to type faster, but you will be able to do this without the need of having to look at the screen on the computer. Things like transcribing are also made a whole lot easier, due to the fact that when you’re touch-typing your eyes can stay on the paper and you can ensure that your figures will be able to do the job when typing.



Fingers on home keys
Touch typing










Let’s look at a few of the key reasons as to why touch typing is such an important skill:


Comfort will improve:  when a child starts to learn how to touch type, they will then become much more comfortable with how their hands are operating when they are typing. This is because when you can have your hands centred on the keyboard it will allow you to place your fingers more evenly across the keyboard.


Fewer mistakes made:  touch typing will be more effective than the hunt and peck type method as it will lead to fewer errors by the individual being made. Now of course at first, mistakes will obviously be made when you are trying to get used to aligning your fingers in the correct position on the keyboard and keeping your eyes fixated on the screen, but once you are used to this method it will become much easier to adjust any errors as you will be already looking at the screen to notice the mistake made.


Typing speed increases: as touched upon on the previous point, keeping your eyes off the keyboard and fixated on the screen will give you a huge boost in your ability to type faster. Think about note-taking in the classroom or even at work.

It often happens that notes are being taken at such a quick rate that you will struggle to be able to take down all the necessary information that is being said, and this can lead to crucial bits of information not being taken down by the individual.

What touch typing does is not necessarily ensure that every single bit of note-taking will be taken down but it will vastly improve the speed at which a person can do this. Mistakes may be made along the way but at least you will have the bulk of what is being said down and you can adjust and fix this information later.


Touch typing games

Typewiz:  Previously we really delved into what are the benefits of a child being able to touch type, and one should look no further than Typewiz if they want to get their child learning how to perfect this skill in a fun and interactive way. Typewiz touch typing lessons are designed in a way to be short and encourage the child to complete their next lesson by achieving rewards and moving up leaderboards. Below is a little deeper insight into why you should get your child started with Typewiz.


–          Typing games: Typewiz has fun and interactive games for your child to enjoy. Typewiz allows your child to compete with kids in their age range and they can try improving by moving up leaderboards. A virtual coin is used for each game and will measure your child’s performance of how they’re getting on in the course, which will then motivate them to complete exercises as fast and efficiently as possible.

–          Avatar rewards: Typewiz allows your child to earn an avatar as they complete each lesson, and these include many cool looking avatars that will motivate the child to focus and do the best they can in order to achieve their desired avatar.

–          Modular design: the modular design which Typewiz provides is something that is easy on the eye for children and really creates an amazing environment for children to learn how to touch type.

–          Reporting: This is of huge benefit to parents of the children, as Typewiz offers a report showing how your child is getting on and progressing along throughout the duration of the course. The report will give you key information such as exercises your child has completed, average accuracy, highest score and much, much more. This information can be shown weekly, over the last 6 months, the past year or all the time. Typewiz will show you both accuracy and words per minute graphs in the report, so it can easily be available to view and print off either.


Now after analysing all of what Typewiz has to offer, you can really see how this will be of benefit to wanting to learn how to touch type. Not only is it a fun and engaging way of learning how to be able to touch type properly, but it will also give a child a key and valuable skill which will stand with them through the entirety of their life as technology constantly evolves and becomes more and more prominent in our everyday lives.

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October 8, 2020

How long does it take a child to learn how touch-type?

How long does it take a child to learn how touch-type?


First off let’s define what touch typing is:

Fingers on home keys
Touch typing








Although the phrase refers to typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys—specifically, a touch typist will know their location on the keyboard through muscle memory—the term is often used to refer to a specific form of touch typing that involves placing the eight fingers in a horizontal row along the middle of the keyboard (the home row) and having them reach for specific other keys.  (Source: Wikipedia)


Touch typing is being able to type without having to look down at the keyboard. Just allowing your child to master the keyboard and to be able to multi-task like read and type at the same. Giving them a precious skill and leading to great efficiency and accuracy using the keyboard.


For a child to learn how to touch type there are several things to consider. 

Child age to learn how to touch type

Childs age

Child’s age

As a general rule the older a child age is the quicker they will learn how to touch type and master the skill of touch typing. This is down to the ability of a child concentration and the ability to learn in a new skill. We find that for example a 16-year-old will be able to do double the work of 8-year old within an hour period.  So using this example a 16 year would be able to complete our Typewiz tying course usually within 40 hours whereas an 8-year-old would take 80 hours to complete.

Motivation key to typing



Like learning anything new, if your child is motivated and see the benefits of learning to touch type. Then they will be successful in achieving this goal. In Typewiz, we have several motivation aspects to the course for children. Students will be super motivated to do our Typewiz course as they can earn avatars badges and coins.

They earn these by either completing a lesson or achieving a score greater than 95% or word per minute greater than 15. The coins can be used to access our typing games. Only one game coin can be used per game. Any only one game is available initially until they complete 5 lessons and then the next game gets unlocked.

When a child plays a typing game their result is showing on a leaderboard thus encouraging to earn more games coins so that they can compete.  All these aspects encourage and motivate a child to learn how to touch type 

Practice learning how to type

Practice, Practice and Practice!


As the old saying goes practice makes perfect. Regular exercise of an activity or skill is the way to become proficient in it. The regular your child practices the skill of touch typing the faster they will get at it. We recommend that a child does a minimum of one hour per week. If they can do more then the will learn quicker. They will generally need to practice at least ten hours to learn to touch type.  


In order to earn our bronze badge in Typewiz which is fifteen words per minute, a child would normally on average need to spend ten to fifteen hours to get to that standard. They would need to spend twenty-five to thirty hours to get to our Silver grade which is twenty-five words per minute. In order for a student to get to the gold standard on the course which is forty words per minute usually would require a student to spend forty plus hours to learn how to touch type.

Learning differences dyslexia dyspraxia dysgraphia

Learning difference

Learning differences

If your child has a learning difference such as dyslexia, dyspraxia (DCD) or dysgraphia then it will take them longer to learn to touch type. This is because they may have additional needs that may slow them down i.e. concentration issues, motor hand coordination issues etc. All these things will lead to a slower time to learn how to touch type but they will learn in their own time and become a proficient typist.




Overall a child will learn to touch type but it is hard to be very specific as each child is unique and will learn the skill of touch typing in their own time. The times referenced in this article are just estimates and do vary for each child depending on the factors mentioned above. The only way to know for sure is to try your child out with a typing course. At Typewiz we offer a seven-day free trial where your child can try out our typing tutor and see how they get on with it. After the seven day trial, your child will know if the ability to continue on with course. 

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October 2, 2020

Eleven things to consider before using a typing tutor for your child

Eleven things to consider before using a typing tutor for your child

learn to type
Touch typing tutor

Your child needs to learn how to touch type and you are wondering what program features would be best suit your child to learn how to type at home.

We have compiled a list of the important features that you should consider before enrolling your child typing course.

  1. The first thing consider is whether you require a typing tutor that needs to be downloaded and installed on your computer or one that you can access online. In our opinion, the best option would be an online typing tutor that allows your child to access the typing tutor online on any computer or laptop device. The typing tutor should work on any browser and not require any third party add ons to be installed.
  2. The typing tutor should not require a fast internet connection to work. It should work on low internet bandwidth.
  3. The program should be easy to use and navigate for a young child.
  4. The typing tutor should have no adverts to distract your child from learning how to touch type and redirecting them other sites.
  5. Your child should be motivated by the typing tutor. Built-in rewards should be a core element of the typing tutor. Your child should be able to earn avatars, coins or badges. A child that is motivated will learn quicker and become a successful typist.
  6. The typing course lesson plan should be well structures with the first lesson emphasising the home keys and not random letters of the alphabet. 
  7. As your child progresses on the online typing course, the hands that guide your child should be removed as a child is not fully touch typing until on-screen hand aids disappear. This should happen relatively early on the program so your child doesn’t get too used to him and become dependent on them to type. 
  8. Is the typing tutor engaging and fun to use? Kids need a typing tutor that allows them to be engaged and fun.
  9. The typing tutor should offer a comprehensive report of their progress on the online typing course.  
  10. A completion certificate should be available once your child finishes the course and detail their word per minute and accuracy.
  11. A typing tutor should always allow you to try for free so your child can try it out and see if suits them.

Once you consider all these requirements.  You will find that you will have a great guide to finding what is the best typing tutor that is available now on the market.

Our typing tutor Typewiz.com has all these features. Why not get your our seven-day free trial? Typewiz is a great new typing tutor for children that get your child typing really fast within 30 to 40 hours of practice.

Click here to try it out. Our free trial is for seven days and there is no obligation to continue on past the seven days. We provide full support via email or chat. 

Try our free trial for our online typing program Typewiz for kids
Typewiz online typing for children
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September 24, 2020

How do I motivate my child to learn how to touch-type?

How do I motivate my child to learn how to touch-type?

So you want your child to learn how to touch type but how do you go about motivating them to type correctly?


Touch typing is the ability to type without looking down on the keyboard. All fingers reside on the home keys, your left fingers rest on ASDF buttons and right fingers on JKL; buttons. Your thumbs operate the space key.

The other approach to typing would be to use a method called hunt and peck where the fingers reside over the keyboard and pick out the keys by looking down on the keyboard. If a child learns to touch type correctly then they master a skill that can stay with them for the rest of their life. They become efficient at typing and save a lot of time and effort. 


First off you must explain to your child the benefits of learning how to type correctly as opposed to the hunt and peck method. The main benefits are as follows:


  • Touch typing will provide you with great speed and accuracy as opposed to the hunt and peck method.
  • If you learn how to type at 40 words per minute then you can type quicker than you can write, which is an amazing skill.
  • Touch typing allows your child to multitask. So your child can be typing and also be doing another task like talking, reading etc.
  • Once learn it become ingrained in your child’s brain so it can be used in future
  • Touch typing will allow your child to gain confidence in using a computer
  • Touch typing will allow your child to have an advantage over children that can’t type properly.


The next thing is to obtain a typing tutor that will work with your child and keep them motivated. A typing tutor that allows your child to become engaged and want to use all the time. Our Typing Tutor (Typewiz.com) was designed to keep your child motivated and has several motivating aspects built into the program. 


The first motivating aspect of our program is our game coins. A game coin can be used in our game arcade for all our typing games.  


First, a child can earn game coins if they do the following on the program:


  • Earn 100% perfect score on any exercise they work on
  • Earn three 95% scores
  • Get a word per minute of 15 words per minute


These game coins can be used in the games arcade in Typewiz. Each coin allows a child to play one game. When a child finishes a game, their score is recorded on a game’s leaderboard which motivates them to get a high score and play another game 


Once all the coins are used up they are no longer able to play the games. This motivates a child to achieve high accuracy or high typing speed to earn a high score and play another game and to compete to get a high score to become on top of the leaderboard.


The next aspect of Typewiz is that your child can earn an avatar after each lesson is complete. A lesson comprises 20 exercises that your child has to complete before moving on to the next lesson. There are 39 lessons in Typewiz, each with their own unique avatar that your child can earn. This will motivate them to complete the lessons as quickly as possible.


The final aspect of Typewiz is the ability for your child to view the profile and see their accuracy and words per minute in a simple to view the report. This can be printed to show you how well they have achieved on the Typewiz program.


All these aspects help your child to stay motivated and remain focused on becoming a typing guru. To learn the correct way how to touch type and to learn a skill that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

If you are interested in trying out our touch typing online lessons. A free trial is available at the following link.


Happy Typing!

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